96-Pin Microplate Replicator, 140500

Boekel Scientific
In stock
SKU 140500
Price: $461.23

Microplate replicators are simple solutions for transferring small volumes of sample, inoculum or buffer from one microplate to another. With a replicator, you can save time and effort for the most efficient lab processes.

Boekel Scientific's 96-pin microplate replicators are crafted with stainless steel pins for durability and flame sterilization. Each pin's volume holds 1µL.

At Boekel Scientific, we perform most of our equipment manufacturing in-house with locally-sourced, high-quality materials. We are located in the Philadelphia metropolitan area but can ship to wherever your hospital, blood bank, clinical laboratory or research laboratory is - worldwide! 

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  • Pins are made of stainless steel for durability, autoclaving and flame sterilization
  • Economical substitute for expensive robotics systems
  • Models 140500 and 140501 include an alcohol reservoir and cleaning pads for debris removal


  • Pins are made of stainless steel for durability, autoclaving and flame sterilization
  • Economical substitute for expensive robotics systems
  • Models 140500 and 140501 include an alcohol reservoir and cleaning pads for debris removal


  • Transfer small volumes of inoculum from microplates to daughter plates or membranes
  • Replication of YACs and cosmid libraries
  • Colony hybridization
  • Antibiotic sensitivity testing
  • Phage typing

Additional Information 

The Boekel Replicators models, 140500 96-pin, 140501 48-pin are designed for transferring microliter quantities of sample, buffer or inoculums from microwell plates/blocks to other plates/blocks or to a solid support or filter paper. The model 140500 96-pin is designed for the 96 well spacing to transfer from half a plate/block to a Petri dish or solid support. The volume transfer is 1 microliter.